Denis McCarthy & Associates

Stress & Wellness Consulting • Occupational & Clinical Psychology

Relationship Difficulties

Denis McCarthy has much experience and postgraduate training in helping individuals and couples with their relationship difficulties. He draws upon a variety of approaches which he tailors to each client's needs. While much can be achieved in a short-period, many clients maintain a long term connection and call upon Denis periodically over several years. He becomes an ally in their ongoing growth and development as they and/or their relationships go through different stages, from child-free to child-raising years to retirement and ageing together or after one partner dies.

No relationship is perfect. However, it is important to address problems and unhelpful patterns that arise. Ignoring problems and failing to create understanding can damage relationships, self esteem, mood and performance. Effective work can be done working on your patterns in a relationship even if your partner does not wish to attend therapy or you are not currently in a relationship but have had difficult in the past.

Psychological therapy will help you make decisions by uncovering beliefs, cognitions, expectations, patterns of communication and behaviour within the relationship.

Therapy can teach new ways to think, communicate and behave. You can change old behaviour patterns and learn how to deal constructively with future difficulties.

Therapy can also help you recover from a break-up and process this experience in a way that will enhance your self-esteem and positively impact future relationships.

Difficulties arise not only in intimate relationships. Therapy can also help you if you are finding that you are always disappointed by your friends or you feel bullied or uncomfortable in a working relationship.
